Panati Recreation Center
Client: Allegheny West Foundation
Size: 7,700 s.f.
In support of their mission, AWF functions as the primary occupant of Panati Playground and uses the building as a home base for their youth and teen-centered programming and to host community events. Anchored along the N 22nd commercial corridor, this site is centered in AWF’s target community and is directly accessible to local residents and organizations.
The facility itself contains outdoor recreation space that is heavily used by neighborhood children and local daycares as well as a small building for community use. Recently Panati has been selected as the recipient of funding by the City of Philadelphia ReBuild program for much-needed improvements. AWF was selected as the community development partner and CICADA Architecture/Planning Inc. as the design professional. Through this program, AWF would like to re-envision the center as the “AWF Innovation Learning Center an afterschool experience for teens that addresses poverty and opportunity.”