North Central II
Client: Philadelphia Housing Authority
Size: 123,000 s.f. (53 buildings on 29 parcels over 9 city blocks)
Intended to reverse the fortunes of an entire neighborhood suffering from decades of disinvestment, the North Central – Phase II project involved the infill of multiple vacant sites bordering on the campus of Temple University. Through extensive outreach efforts they developed a community vision for the neighborhood:
“Remove the physical and social barriers so that each and every Norris Homes tenant and Community resident has equal access to opportunities – within and outside the neighborhood – to make their households financially stable and healthy; their community safe and strong well into the future.” [1] Community Supported Vision
[1] http://northcentralchoice.com/the-plan
Part of a larger HUD CHOICE grant awarded to the Philadelphia Housing Authority, the project totals 89 affordable rental units across 33 sites in two- and three-story rowhouses and two senior apartment buildings.
The project was awarded LEED Gold accreditation.
The building designs are contemporary but are good neighbors by responding to existing materials and scale context.
Generous, high-performing windows and rich finishes mean these residential units are equivalent to the market rate standard.